Hi, there! I’m Leisa. I’m a mother of 4 and veteran homeschool mom of 27 years. 

I have degrees in Elementary and Special Education and a master’s in Speech Pathology and Audiology. I taught for 4 years in a public school before we had children and, yes, that factored into our decision to homeschool.

We loved homeschooling all four of our children (K-12) and we’d definitely do it again– but I did most of it the hard way.

It wasn’t until our last few years of homeschooling that I discovered it could be so much easier.

I began my journey as a homeschool mom like many of you—with fear and trembling!  I believed God was calling us to do this so I stepped out in faith, but it was scary!

I would soar to heights of “I love homeschooling!” and then plummet to lows of “I’m going to ruin my children!” (sometimes in the same day!)

I would spin in indecision and overwhelm about curriculum, schedules, and methods. I was afraid I’d miss something vital that my children would need someday.

At every conference there was always something more I thought I should be doing (or that I thought my husband should be doing). 😉

I rarely felt like I was doing enough or the right thing and if I did, it only took one article, conference speaker or another mom telling me what they were doing to send me right back into self-doubt and re-evaluation.

I struggled with being consistent day in and day out. I rated my performance on whether my children were happy and learning and how what I was doing compared with others.

What I learned in those last few years dramatically changed my experience — not just of homeschooling but of every area of my life!

I learned what I could control and the tremendous freedom of letting go of what I couldn’t.

I learned where my fears, feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and overwhelm were coming from and what I could do about it. 

Honestly, I was doing pretty good but what I learned up-leveled my life and relationships so profoundly that I decided to become a life coach and focus on showing Christian homeschool moms how to dramatically up-level their lives, too.

It’s now my privilege to teach moms this Biblical and practical way to transform their lives so they can teach their children these priceless life skills and affect generations to come!